Spritzers - Beer Cocktail

 Spritzers - Beer Cocktail


The spritz cocktail originated in the Veneto region of Italy in the 19th century. Austrian soldiers stationed in Venice diluted local wines with water to make them lighter and closer to the beer they were used to drinking. The word "spritz" is German for "splash". The drink evolved over time, with still water being replaced by sparkling soda and eventually prosecco. 

          A beer spritzer is made by mixing equal parts beer and lemon-lime soda, and optionally garnishing with fruit.


Beer of you Choice   - 70 %
Lemonade/ Sprite     - 30 %

Add strait up into the Beer glass without ice, you can also garnish with the fruits of your choice.

Tip- can also replace Lemonade with any sparkling flavor drink to enhance the  different taste (e.g.- Ginger ale), to upsell use Prosecco or Sparkling Wine.

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