All Starts With a Cup Of COFFEE.

 It's Starts With a Cup COFFEE.

According to legend, the first discovery of coffee was by an goat in the 9th century. Goatherd noticed that his goats became energized after eating berries from a certain tree. The earliest evidence of coffee as a modern beverage comes from Ethiopia &Yemen in the 15th century.


Arabica & Robusta are the coffee beans which gives flavor and texture to espresso coffee ( the base of all coffee), blend with hot water at 120* Celsius to gives perfect drip of
extract from Group Head in the machine called RAT TAIL.
Brazil is the top coffee producing country in the world.


The Irish Coffee was born on a typically stormy winters night on the wild west coast of Ireland in 1942. including many high profile celebrities of the day, and had developed some fine hospitality to show off Ireland’s many wares.

Bartender prepared coffees mixed with brown sugar, whiskey and cream to warm up the cold and tired passengers. After tasting the delightful mixture one of the passengers piped up and asked “Are these Brazilian coffees?” to which Joe replied “No, they’re Irish coffees!” and thus the legend was born.

Espresso mix with hot water
Adding 2 tablespoon of brown sugar
Add Irish Whiskey -60ml
Top up with cream 

Do not forgets to stir the coffee before adding cream, served in a Irish coffee glass.

Tip- adding whiskey to your coffee will be Good for cough & Cold in winters and no one will know.

#Stay High- #Stay Connected.


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