The gimlet is a cocktail made of gin and lime cordial. A description in the 1953 Raymond Chandler novel The Long Goodbye stated that "a real gimlet is half gin and half Rose's lime juice and nothing else. However, modern tastes are less sweet, and generally provide for up to four parts gin to one part lime cordial.

    The name of the cocktail is may be named after the surgeon ,Sir Thomas Gimlette (1857–1943), who is said to have first added lime cordial to gin to help combat the ravages of scurvy.

Lime Cordial- Lime cordial is a drink mixer with a tart lime flavor, it is a mixture of sugar syrup and lime juice with little bit of bitterness of lime skin. Easy to make at home.


      Gin           -60ml
Lime Cordial   -20ml

Add them in a boston / two piece shaker, shake for 21 sec and served in chilled coupe glass , garnish with a lime.

Moral - Just basic ingredients can enhance the alcohol taste.

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