The Survival story of Campari.

                                         The Survival story     of Campari.             

The Beginning

In 1860, Gaspare Campari founded his eponymous drinks brand in the Italian town of Novara, 30 miles west of Milan. 

Shortly after launching his drinks brand, Campari opened a wine shop in Italy’s oldest shopping mall, the brand transformed the wine shop into the Camparino aperitivo bar in 1915, offering a range of proprietary apéritifs and liqueurs. 

The Takeover &The Survival

When Camapri’s sons Davide and Guido took control of the company in 1920, they reduced the brand’s portfolio downsizing to just one apéritif, Bitter Campari, and a clear, raspberry-based bittersweet liqueur, Cordial Campari. Production of the cordial ceased in the 1990s.

Moral- In the end the things with alcohol last longer.

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