The Perfect Balance - The Negroni Cocktail.

          The Perfect Balance-    

          The Negroni Cocktail.

"The bitters are excellent for your Liver, The Gin is bad for you. They balance each other." 

In France The locals cottoned on to the fact that Americans had a taste for Italian bitters but also that they preferred long drinks. Some bars started adding club soda to the Milano Torino and serving it in a taller glass. The ‘American style’ cocktail took off,  the Americano was born. 
The invention of the Negroni cocktail is attributed to one Count Camillo NegroniIt was here that he instructed legendary bartender Fosco Scarselli to add a little more kick to his favorite drink. replacing the club soda with gin and garnishing it with an orange instead of the traditional lemon and discover The Negroni.

Campari                 -20ml
Sweet vermouth    -20ml
Gin                        -20ml

Add everything in mixing glass over ice, stir it 15-20 times and serve in a whiskey glass filled with ice and garnish it with orange peal.

Moral- More Stronger liquor , more better.

#Stay High- #Stay Connected.



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