Sex on the Beach

                                                         Sex on the Beach


Named after the two things people love to do in Florida , Sex on the beach is a light, fruity, orange-colored cocktail. The smooth cocktail was invented by Ted Pizio a bartender, 1980s in Florida. 

When the bartender was challenged to promote and sell as much peach schnapps as possible. He combined few ingredients he had behind the bar, and just like that, the Sex on the Beach was born.  


                   Vodka           - 40ml
De Kuiper the peach tree - 20ml
              Orange Juice    - Half
            Cranberry Juice - Half

Build the cocktail in a hurricane glass over ice make Shure you get the layer in cocktail, garnish with a orange slice. 

Note-(Sex on the beach), Both can be fun as u like it.

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