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Created by an Australian, in a Manhattan bar, and built with two different Scotches.  Comes from Moderns cocktail revolution in 2005, hinting to the medicinal properties of some of its ingredients

   Milk & Honey bar original, bar specialty cocktail named Milk and Honey named in its bar adding bourbon, lemon juice and honey. The bartender Alexander Fleming skipped the bourbon and instead opted to mix blended scotch with fresh lemon and a homemade honey-ginger syrup, which added sweetness and the classic bite of ginger, then added a float of peaty scotch from Islay, an island known for producing smoky whiskies , giving smoky taste from scotch Islay with smoothness of blended scotch.


Blended Scotch                        -45ml

Islay Scotch(mix or float)        -20ml

Fresh Lemon Juice                   -20ml

Sugar Honey syrup                   -15ml

Shake and lay over ice in a whiskey glass and garnishing with a lemon wedge or Ginger toffee.

Tip- Some cocktail u can take daily like a medicine.

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