How a insect changed the main ingredients of a Cocktail - Sazerac.

                   How a insect changed the recipe of a Cocktail - Sazerac.




The Sazerac dates to New Orleans of the 1850’s and is a variation of an old-fashioned cocktail (spirit, sugar, water and bitters).  The primary ingredient changed from cognac to rye whiskey due to the phylloxera epidemic in Europe that devastated France’s wine grape crops. 

Grape phylloxera (insect pest) damage the root systems of grapevines by feeding on the root, either on growing rootlets, which then swell and turn yellowish, or on mature hardened roots where the swellings are often hard to see. Necrotic spots (areas of dead tissue) develop at the feeding sites on the roots. In the late 19th century the phylloxera epidemic destroyed most of the vineyards for wine grapes in Europe, most notably in France.

Due to this the production of Cognac was into halt and leads to raise the prices, so the cocktail variated by adding of Ray whiskey instead to Cognac.


Cognac OR rye whiskey  -60ml
Simple syrup                    -15ml
Peychaud’s bitters            -2-3 dashes
Angostura bitter                - 1-2 dashes
Absinthe                           - rinse your whiskey glass.

Put all ingredients in the mixing glass add ice cube and dilute it by staring the cocktail 15-20 times, throw the ice from the chilled rinse whiskey glass and strain the Sazerac in the glass and garnish with lemon peal.

Tip- either add 60ml of any one liquor or add 30-30ml both cognac and ray whiskey to balance the spiciness of ray with sweetness of cognac.

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